

Your home and personal items are valuable assets. Proper protection of your assets takes a thorough understanding of your exposures and insurance coverage. Homeowners often assume that all their items are automatically covered by their homeowners insurance when, in fact, certain types of property (like jewerly, furs, collections, art, gold, silver, guns, and others classes) have significant coverage limitations or are not covered at all without special endorsements. That’s why it’s important to have coverage properly reviewed for your specific needs.

It’s also important to have the proper liability coverage on your homeowners policy to cover areas where you may be exposed to lawsuits from others who’ve been injured on your property or from your personal activities. We take the time to analyze your needs. We then recommend a policy tailored to protect you. Experience proves that our thorough approach to knowing your unique needs results in successful protection of your financial future. We’ve been doing it for over 99 years. To get a Home quote please go to our “Home Quote” page.